In a recent PODCAST INTERVIEW WITH GRANT CARDONE, I was privileged to interview one of the most inspirational business leaders, and one of my own heroes and role models. Grant Cardone is a sales trainer, real estate mogul and serial investor, as well as writer of a number of bestselling titles including The 10X Rule. In our interview we spoke about living the business dream, what it takes to get where you want to go, the mindset of the successful and other topics. Below I’ll summarize the discussion for you by dividing it into the main question areas.
Lets Jump right into it!!
Q1: How can we make the average person see their own potential?
Cardone explains that the key elements are in persistence and flexibility. Persistence isn’t just about “push and shove,” nor is it about repeating the same actions over and over until you finally see results. You have to be ready to be innovative; to update your strategy and try different things --- sometimes you need straight-edged professionalism, and other times you need to employ humor, especially when you are rebuffed or can’t quite get to where you need to be. Keep working toward your goal, but be flexible and open to trying new strategies to get there.
Q2: Should we be training people to hear the word “no” in their business life?
Grant Cardone answered this frankly and fairly --- we should not be teaching people to expect failure in the long run.
People only fail because they have underestimated the effort needed to achieve their stated goal.
Whatever your end game, you need to be fully ready and aware for what it will take to get what you want, and that it may take time and persistence. When we tell people simply to expect a “no” they may receive so many that they burn out and declare ‘this is too hard!’ What you want, ideally, is a mindset where you know full well just how long it will take and how hard it will be.
Q3: Is trading off the dream life for the “standard” life something just Millennials do?
Once again, Cardone was emphatic and direct that the kind of people who give up on the dream life in exchange for a standard Monday-to-Friday, 9-5 type of life come in all shapes, sizes, colors and ages. It is certainly not exclusive to Millennials. Cardone explained further, pointing out that it’s a shame people give up because when you change your mindset, you start to see that living a normal life or living a dream life doesn’t take anything fundamentally different. It’s just a question of time, attitude and applying resources.
One analogy he used was about taking a trip. Whether you’re taking a trip to the grocery store for a pack of beer, or traveling to Miami, or flying to Sydney, Australia for business deals, these three things are fundamentally the same – you have a destination and you are going there. Most people have worked out how to do the first one, and probably the second one, but the third one they may just preemptively say “That’s not going to happen” and so don’t do it. The fundamentals behind being able to do all three are the same --- having the time, wherewithal and resources to put it into action.
Grant also brought up the benefits of starting off in the right vehicle, And even suggested Franchise opportunity (LINK) as being a great way to take advantage of an already growing business.
Q4: How can we get people genuinely excited about attaining this “dream” lifestyle?
It may seem counterintuitive to many, but Cardone explained here why quantity should come before quality when you’re building up to financial freedom. What does he mean by that? He’s not saying quality doesn’t matter. What he means is that you have to deal with a lot of people in your working life before you finally get to the tiny number of people you’ll meet who can help you get to the next level. That takes patience and persistence.
The majority of the 330 million Americans out there seem to take many things for granted, and often they’ll be willing to settle for less, even though they are living in a true land of abundance. During their journey through the “quantity” they sometimes give up on that search for quality and decide to settle. This is a shame. Cardone describes himself as an “agitator” --- someone who aims to stir others up into action and the right mindset by demonstrating just how much you can achieve if you stick to your guns and follow through with action. He also points out a home truth, though, which is that some people will never take help, even if you know that they need it.
Q5: Should we show off our success early on? Or should we focus on the grind?
“Nobody saw the fruits of my labor for years” says Cardone. He explains how he and his wife sacrificed luxuries early on because they knew that if they stayed disciplined and focused on what they were doing, they’d be able to enjoy luxuries later on. Now he is able to showcase the fruits of his labor because he has something to show. In addition, he delivers one of the other cardinal rules when it comes to using your hard-earned money:
Never use money you earned through putting in time and hard work to buy “dumb stuff. Only ever use passive income to buy that stuff.
“Dumb stuff” refers to those luxuries and purchases that may make your life comfortable, but that you don’t really need, especially early on. The message is to use your hard-earned “time” money to purchase the things that will then give you passive income.
Q6: How did you, Grant Cardone, get started in this mindset?
Early on, according to Cardone, he studied the way that successful people lived and worked, especially those people who didn’t have to “go to places” each day, meaning a fixed office or working schedule. He was fascinated by those people who seemed to just travel all over the world doing business, doing deals, and never adhering to a fixed schedule. The goal, as he explains, is to do the “going to places” first, if you need to, but to be disciplined and use the money from that to get out of that routine and start being one of the free business people.
Q7: Should you focus on just one thing, or be diverse in your business?
Another emphatic response from Cardone here, explaining the importance of finding a product or service and sticking with it until you get it right. Using his earlier analogy of the trips/flights, switching to a new focus midway is the same as having to land, refuel the plane and then take off again for a new destination. For a plane, take-off/landing are the riskiest times, just as starting up and getting off the ground is the riskiest time for any company. Better to stay “in the air,” meaning focused on that one thing you’re good at. He cited examples of famous entrepreneurs who did the same --- Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg --- all started with a single idea that they ran with before they diversified into more areas.
What it’s about is finding the right “vehicle” to take you where you want to go. If offering a franchise opportunity is right for you, for example, then it’s a good way to make money and it has worked for other companies. You need to stick to that and make it work before you consider “landing the plane” and diversifying.
It was a phenomenal experience talking with Grant Cardone, a man who is undoubtedly living the true American Dream. The final thing we talked about was how, ultimately, getting that dream life is about being committed to something bigger than yourself. We hope that his message and ours can inspire you to find that vehicle you need to get you to your dream destination.
If you interested in our franchise opportunity, then get in touch with us today and learn more. C